Applying Facebook principles on real life

31. Oktober 2018

Oh Facebook..wie sehr du unser Leben verändert hast. Jedermanns Leben um genau zu sein. Bis auf die kleine Gruppe von Leuten die sich dazu entschieden haben, der Bewegung nicht zu folgen.

Hast du dich jemals gefragt wie unser Social-Media-Verhalten im echten Leben aussehen würde? Hier ist vielleicht eine Antwort:


Oh Facebook… how much you have changed our lives. Everybody’s lives practically. Except for the small group of people who have decided not to be part of the movement, which are surely not many.

Have you ever thought of how our social media behavior would look like in real life? Well, here might be your answer:

“Since I am not on Facebook, I try to look for friends outside the platform, however, I follow the same Facebook principles. So, I go out on the streets every day and explain to anyone passing by what I had for lunch, how I feel, what I did last night and what I will be doing today. I tell them what I have planned to do tomorrow and I show them a picture of my friends and one of my guinea pigs. I show them how I repair my bike and what I looked like as a kid. I hear what they have to say and answer “I like it”.

It works!

I quickly gained 5 people who follow me: Two policemen, a psychiatrist, a psychologist and a nurse.”

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1 Comment

  • Reply Sunday Thoughts: The World Through Our Screens – mit Handkuss 18. November 2018 at 20:44

    […] have a friend who is also part of the I-refuse-to-be-on-social-media-club and I will forever be grateful for what he said to me before we left on a long trip some time ago. […]

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