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Sneak Peek Into The mit Handkuss Office

It is scientifically proven that feeling comfortable at your working place can make you be more productive. And no, we are not speaking just about a fresh bunch of seasonal flowers you just got on the way to the office that morning, it’s the details that make your working space who you really are and get your productivity levels pumping all day long. The interiors and environment you choose for your office should represent who you are or want to be as a brand or as a creative. I have been in this office for almost one year and since then, not only are we a team of five now, but many other little interior details have been changing through this time. So, with this said, I shall proudly welcome you to the mit Handkuss office in central Vienna. 


The importance of hues and tones is massive to me, especially if you are looking for a specific vibe inside your working area. We tend to go for cold colours, such as whites, pinks and greys. They match perfectly with the beautiful “Altbau” style ceilings and transmits the calmness and sweetness that represent mit Handkuss.

As we mentioned above, the right lighting choices in an office, or any other space, will enhance the desired ambience and vibe. Lighting also has the capacity of altering someone’s perception of the space. Luckily enough for us, we have two big double-gas windows that allow the natural daylight right into our beautiful office.

Just a short (reality check) aside from all these stunning office pictures that Caro took for us last week. The office DOES NOT look that perfect from Monday to Friday. At this very moment (Monday 0800 AM), Antonia’s desk is covered in unopened letters that just arrived, the „beauty light“ is still up and lonely standing in the middle of the office waiting for a good Samaritan to put it back where it belongs. The flowers are in desperate need of water and Tati keeps on strategically placing documents around her laptop.

The unread emails notification keeps on popping up on the left corner of my computer and the smell of coffee slowly impregnates the whole office. It might not look as perfect as in the pictures, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.    


Seit einem Jahr arbeite ich im mit Handkuss Büro im Herzen von Wien. Seither habe ich nicht nur vier neue Mitarbeiterinnen hinzu gewonnen. Wir haben auch mehrfach das Erscheinungsbild unseres Büros verändert. Denn: Die passende Einrichtung, die auf dich und dein Team abgestimmte Ambiance sind für Produktivität und Kreativität enorm wichtig. Hier lässt sich richtig viel herausholen. Wir von mit Handkuss wollen täglich neu tolle Arbeit leisten. Da muss das Umfeld stimmen!

Auch wenn zugegebenermassen die Ordnung auf unseren Fotos blosse Illusion ist. Denn unter der Woche sieht es auf unseren Schreibtischen ganz anders aus – wie sollte es auch anders?


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