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Our „Urban Monkey Detox“ Experience

Lilly and I had always been fascinated with the idea of a detox. The so-known energy boost you get and obviously letting go of some unnecessary grams in our body before the summer sounded pretty flashy. So, while looking into that topic one afternoon, we came across the guys from Lieferei and instantly got in contact with them regarding their Urban Monkey Detox.

We went for the 5-day Urban Monkey Detox plan and tried to document the whole process as much as possible throughout the week. So here is a quick recap of how our detox week went.

Both Lilly and I started the detox plan on a Monday, using the working week as an excuse and also to be able to compare our feelings and experiences throughout the week. Monday started off fine, we were both optimistic about the whole ordeal (because any experience that doesn’t include food for us at mit Handkuss, is automatically considered an ordeal) and buoyant.

For Lilly, it was harder to prepare for it, since the given recommendations by the Lieferei team (eating smaller amounts and healthy two days before starting the detox), was tougher to achieve when you have a whole weekend full of birthdays … but she made it through that Monday quite smoothly. As for me, I was already “HANGRY”. Very, I must admit. From the very beginning, all I could think of was food, food and food.

The second day was probably the hardest one for both of us. We were hungry and craved food. I woke up with a headache which doesn’t often happen to me and that day was hard for me to concentrate. The cherry on the cake was the cooking workshop with Emilian that afternoon, I was tired, hungry and spent the whole afternoon smelling freshly cooked food. Not fun.

Lilly, on the other hand, felt hungry but lightweight. She did, however, get herself some almonds to make sure she made it through the day, as she usually heads to university after work.

It was the next two days when we started to feel that famous energy boost that you are supposed to feel. Apparently, your stomach has less work to do; therefore, you wake up with lots of energy. Food is still one of our top desires, however, we practically did not feel hungry which is good. The feeling we got was as if we had done lots of sports and our bodies felt great and healthy. Top days except for a small headache Lilly woke up with on Thursday morning!

Finally, we made it through the week. Cravings have disappeared and personally, I am fine having people eating around me. Lilly didn’t feel hungry at all. But we were both very happy it was all over. We felt healthier and even though none of us weighted herself, we noticed that we felt like our swelling had reduced.

In general, it was a hard experience. Some days more than others, but as a whole, we really enjoyed it and felt very good by the end of the whole process. We would totally recommend the Urban Monkey Detox by Lieferei and maybe consider to do it again…

Psssssst: In case you were considering to do the Urban Monkey Detox by Lieferei, give us a shout out so we can give you a discount code!

|| Anzeige – In collaboration with Lieferei ||


Lilly und ich wollten es denn doch einmal wissen: Bringt eine Detox-Woche wirklich die versprochene Entschlackung und Energiesteigerung? Unsere Freunde von der Lieferei brachten uns eine Wochenpackung (5 Tage) Urban Monkey Detox, und schon ging’s los. Montag und Dienstag waren echt schwierig, und unsere Gedanken kreisten unentwegt um Essbares. Der Mittwoch kam, und tatsächlich: Wir spürten neue Energie in unseren Körpern! Es war, als hätten wir kräftig Sport betrieben. Der Magen hat weniger zu tun, und das bedeutet schlicht mehr Energie. Zurückblickend können wir feststellen: Der Urban Monkey Detox von Lieferei hat Wort gehalten. Der Hunger ist unter Kontrolle. Wir fühlen uns gesünder und energiegeladen. Und ein paar Gramm weniger sind es auch geworden.

Daher: Wir stehen auf Urban Monkey Detox von Lieferei. Und solltet auch Ihr jetzt den Versuch wagen wollen: Wir können Euch den Versuch mit einem Rabatt-Code noch schmackhafter machen – meldet euch bei uns!

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